The Catholic church allows a Funeral Mass with the body or cremains.
The cremains must be intact (meaning no part of them can be separated from the whole). Once the Funeral Mass is completed the body or cremains should be interned as soon
as possible in a cemetery or columbarium of your choosing.
Arranging Funeral Mass at Holy Cross Catholic Church
Upon the death of a loved one, we ask that you contact the Funeral Home of your choosing, make arrangements to meet with the Funeral Director, they will in turn contact Holy Cross Catholic Church to select a date and time that suits the Funeral Home, Church and Family. At this time also arrangements can be made to have an ordained Deacon or Priest preside over the burial or internment. The Funeral Director will review with the family the honorarium for the church and music fees. The Funeral Mass will not take place on a Saturday or Sunday.
Funeral Rites
- Vigil: the Vigil Prayer Service takes place the day prior to the scheduled Funeral Mass. Prayers are led by an ordained Deacon or Priest, praying respect for the person who has died. Words of Remembrance (Eulogy) may also take place at the Vigil.
- Funeral Mass: a Mass with the celebration of the Eucharist, Old Testament, New Testament and Gospel readings. A homily by the priest, Eucharistic prayers, communion and the final commendation. The parish can assist you in the Funeral Liturgy reading choices and if needed with a parish lector, a greeter and the music selections. The Music Director will be contacting you to help you with the song selections. The Family Life Coordinator will be contacting you to go over the Family participation in the Funeral Mass.
- Christian Burial/Committal Service: an ordained Deacon or Priest will bless and make sacred your loved ones final resting place. Prayers, Scripture and Words of Remembrance (Eulogy) are all part of the Catholic burial/internment.
Eulogies and remembrances are beautiful and meaningful ways for family members, close friends and associates to express their grief and to recall the many gifts, talents and virtues of the person who died. These testimonies are best offered at the wake service, the interment, or at a reception following the funeral liturgy. They are particularly meaningful at a reception where spontaneous remarks from loved ones can be offered. Because these memorials are not a formal part of the liturgical celebration, we do not include eulogies or remembrances during the Mass of Christian Burial.
Funeral Readings
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Gospel the officiant will select a Gospel Reading appropriate for the occasion.