- Save the Date for our Annual Easter Bunny Breakfast!
- Fr. Danny Murphy 1944-2024 Memorial Mass
- Stations of the Cross
- The reopening of the Church
- Prayer for Pope Francis
- 2024 Year in Review
- Knights of Columbus St. Patrick’s Dinner & Dance
- Upcoming Holy Cross Women’s Guild Events!
- Hurricane Damage at Holy Cross Catholic Church
- Sign Up for our E-mail Newsletter
- Choir Rehearsals Have Resumed
- Catholic Men’s Group
- 2024/25 Season of Catholic Bible Study
- 2025 Diocesan Services Appeal
- Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center 2024-2025
Dear Parishioners,
Welcome to the Parish of Holy Cross! We are pleased to have you as new members and pray that you will find our parish to be a place where your life of faith will be nourished.
It is our belief that we are a warm and loving parish, trying to share fully our time, talents and treasure as good stewards, doing the work of the Lord. We hope that you will share your own special gifts with our community.
We offer you our support and prayers in all the joys, sorrows and struggles that come with being followers of Christ. I look forward to meeting you if we have not met and it would be very beneficial if you would introduce yourselves after Mass if I have not already had the pleasure. I hope Holy Cross Parish will always be of service to you.
Yours Sincerely,
Rev. Thomas E. Barrett
Diocese of Palm Beach https://www.diocesepb.org/