Community Service Ministry has as its mission to foster community service activities by providing opportunities for direct service and education concerning human needs of the community to members of Holy Cross Parish. Formed in 1999, there are currently 300 active parishioners serving in a volunteer capacity.
Alzheimer’s Walk to Remember is held every November. We have a vibrant all ages group who walks to raise money and bring attention the Alzheimer’s Foundation.
Camp Haven is a transitional home for homeless men in Indian River County. Each Monday, Holy Cross volunteers provide dinner for twenty five residents. We need many hands to prepare and deliver these weekly meals. Throughout the year, we also provide special holiday dinners and we include Camp Haven residents in our annual Giving Tree program at Christmas.
Kids Closet Charities provides gently used clothing, books, toys and bedding to the neediest children in our area. Our volunteers regularly sort clothing and other donations which are then distributed to local schools.
St. Francis Manor provides efficiency apartments for low-income seniors. Holy Cross Volunteers coordinate social events throughout the year such as Octoberfest and Halloween, a Christmas Dinner with gifts from the Holy Cross Giving Tree, an Easter dinner with Easter gifts for each resident, among other events. We need volunteers to provide and serve food, help with entertainment, and give support and friendship to those elders who may feel forgotten.
Our Winter Blanket Drive, usually held in January, benefits the migrant workers living in substandard housing in Fellsmere. Volunteers help collect new and “like new” blankets and sleeping bags at all Masses on the designated weekend.
For more information contact the Parish office 231-0671.