- Late 1950’s – Present location purchased by the Diocese of St. Augustine for a future parish site.
- September 01, 1981 – Diocese of Orlando establishes Holy Cross Parish. Founding Pastor: Fr. John B. O’Hare.
- September 05, 1981 – The first Sunday Mass is celebrated in Riverside Theater.
- November 02, 1981 – The first Daily Mass is celebrated in a temporary rectory on Camelia Lane.
- October 10, 1982 – Groundbreaking for a new church building.
- Christmas Eve, 1983 – First Mass in church building.
- March 04, 1984 – Dedication of the church building.
- September 15, 1991 – Blessing and opening of Holy Cross Parish Hall.
- July 1, 1997 – Fr. John O’Hare retires – Fr. Richard Murphy becomes pastor.
- December 04, 2001 – Dedication of the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament
- April 07, 2002 – Blessing of Church Expansion.
- September 24, 2006 – Parish Silver Jubilee Celebration.
- March 22, 2020 – Fr. Richard Murphy dies.
- July 1, 2020 – Fr. Thomas Barrett becomes pastor.
- July 1, 2024- Fr. Serge Dube joins our our Parish as Parochial Vicar.