Lenten Penance Service-April 1st

There will be a Lenten Penance Service on
Tuesday, April 1st at 6:00 p.m.
There will be no general absolution.

The priests will be available for individual

In order to better prepare ourselves, we offer
these questions for reflection and examination of

  • Have I damaged someone’s reputation
    through malicious speech or gossip?
  • Is God of primary importance to me or do I
    seek other things more than God, such as
    money, success, power or other worldly
  • Do I make time to pray each day? Do I
    participate in the Liturgy on Sundays?
  • Do I strive to share the good news of Jesus
    by the way I live and interact with others? If
    not, what do I allow to get in the way?
  • Do I treat people with the respect they
    deserve as children of God?
  • Do I give of my time, treasure and talent to
    help the community, especially those less
  • Do I own my possessions or do my
    possessions own me?
  • Do I respect my body or do I abuse it
    through improper use of drugs, alcohol, sex
    or inattention to the requirements of good
  • Do I speak out when the rights of others are
    abused or do I stand by silently?